About Us
The Martha's Vineyard Transit Authority (VTA) is a public authority established under Massachusetts General Law 161B. The VTA provides year-round public transit service to the six towns of Martha's Vineyard: Aquinnah, Chilmark, Edgartown, Oak Bluffs, Tisbury and West Tisbury. The VTA's transportation services consist of both fixed route and paratransit services (known as the "Lift"). Fixed route service varies throughout the year, depending on the seasonal travel demand. The VTA's peak season of operation typically runs from May to October, with fourteen routes that travel Island-wide.
In 2002, the VTA developed a Consumer Advisory Group made up of users of fixed route and paratransit who meet regularly to discuss concerns. Meetings are open to the public and are advertised in the local papers. The VTA hopes the group will identify unmet needs for all aspects of the system and develop new ideas to improve the system. Bus routes, bus stops, signage, and outreach to users are just some of the topics we explore. Suggestions are needed for more representation from fixed route riders. For more information on the Consumer Advisory Group, please contact the VTA at (508) 693-9440 ext. 112.